get.NA Bookmarklet help you generate quick shorturls without leaving your website. Get one click link shortening anywhere you go on the internet! And automatically shorten address of the page you are currently on. First drag and drop get.NA onto your toolbar. Once get.NA is on your Firefox, Safari or Chrome toolbar, or in your Internet Explorer Bookmarks, you can shorten from the site you are visiting. A get.NA link will be created for the URL currently in your address bar, with just a mouse click. You won't need to copy and paste that URL into our site first, it will be done automatically.
To use with Internet Explorer: Right click this icon
then - click Add to Favorites... click Yes if a security alert pops-up (this is simply showing you that the link contains javascript). Click OK to add get.NA to your Favorites list, or highlight "Links" then OK to put get.NA onto your Explorer toolbar. If your Links toolbar is not visible, you can enable it in View >Toolbars > Links at the top of your web browser. Your browser must be enabled to allow JavaScript. Also, make sure your popup blocker allows the domain.